Meeting Date: 08/14/06 06:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Will and Ariel Durant Library
7140 Sunset Boulevard at Detroit

Details: Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council

Area 1, Area 2, Area 5, Area 6, Area 8, Area 9, and Housing and Human Services, Planning and Support Committees.
Joint Meeting

Monday, August 14, 2006
6:00 – 8:00 PM

Will and Ariel Durant Library
7140 Sunset Boulevard at Detroit
Accessibility: Building is accessible to the handicapped.
Parking: Parking is available in a free off-street parking lot behind the library building as well as on street.

Food: Food will NOT be provided.


1.) Introduction of Stakeholders

2.) Policy recommendation regarding the assessment of compatibility for new or expanded houses in the Mulholland Scenic Parkway DRB area of responsibility. Development of a policy recommendation on the acceptable size and lot coverage in relation to surrounding existing homes. This will be proposed as an interim policy of HHWNC until McMansion ordinance is adopted by City Council. Possible motion and vote

3.) Public Comment/New Business – items not on the agenda

4.) Adjournment

Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council

Joint Meeting of Area 1, Area 2, Area 5, Area 6, Area 8, Area 9, and Housing and Human Services, Planning and Support Committees.

Monday, August 14, 2006

6:00 – 8:00 PM

Will and Ariel Durant Library
7140 Sunset Boulevard at Detroit

Meeting Minutes

1. Introduction of Stakeholders

Chairpersons from Areas 1, 2, 5, and 8 and the Housing and Human Services, Planning and Support Committees were in attendance. In addition, four stakeholders were in attendance.

2. Policy recommendation regarding the assessment of compatibility for new or expanded houses in the Mulholland Scenic Parkway DRB area of responsibility.

Discussion of the size of homes in the hills included the following points:
– The motion by Tom LaBonge to develop a large house ordinance goes to PLUM August 15.
– The Mulholland DRB appeals process is the Area Planning Commission. They have the final determination on proposed projects, unless a Council person asks that a decision be reviewed by the City Council.
– Several speakers felt that it may be difficult to identify a maximum square footage or lot coverage ratio that applies throughout HHWMC area because there are so many variables involved (e.g.- size of lot, density of neighborhood, age of homes, etc.)
– Several felt that height and setback variances should not be allowed.
– It was noted that the Hillside Ordinance precludes the foot print of a house from exceeding 40% of the lot
– Some expressed frustration at not being able to take a position on proposed houses in a timely manner if each such case needs to go through an Area Committee and then the full HHWNC Board. The length of the process may not allow for presentation of formal positions at Mulholland DRB meetings.
– After considerable discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously:

“The Board authorizes that Area Chairs may represent their Area of HHWNC regarding compatibility of projects at Planning Boards or hearings subsequent to a vote from a meeting held jointly with the appropriate issue committee.”

3. Public Comment/New Business – items not on the agenda
No discussion
4. Adjournment at 7:30 PM.
