Reference List from Your Infrastructure Committee:
I received this information from the Dept of Public Works.  The DWP told me I should contact them for most of the issues I asked about.  Here is the information they gave me.
Thank you,
Mary Prange
Infrastructure Chair
You should be able to call the City at 3-1-1 and report just about anything.
However, looking into the specific issues you had mentioned, I would suggest the following for each:
1) Abandoned furniture:  Contact Bureau of Sanitation
a. It is the resident’s responsibility to call the City and request a Bulky Item Pick-Up. You may try and request it on their behalf by filling out this Service Request Form.
b. If that doesn’t work, you may report it as Illegal Dumping at http://dpw.lacounty.gov/epd/illdump/support.cfm
2) Power Outages:  Department of Water & Power
a. I would say it is up to DWP to work with the City of LA to address this issue.
b. Due to the mention of falling trees, if DWP won’t handle it directly, you may try and contact the City’s Urban Forestry Division. Their website is http://bss.lacity.org/UrbanForestry and their phone number is (800) 996-2489.
c. If it ends up becoming a storm-related emergency, call 3-1-1
3) Potholes & Street Damage:  Resurfacing & Reconstruction Division
a. http://bss.lacity.org/Resurfacing/potholes.htm provides information on Potholes & Street Damage
b. Report it by calling (800) 996-2489 or using their Online Services Request Form.
4) Street Lighting & Copper Lighting issues:  Bureau of Street Lighting
a. http://bsl.lacity.org/serv_req.htm – I think you can report the stolen copper wire to them if it came off the street lighting and has left streets in the dark.
5) Basketball Courts & Noise Complaint:  Los Angeles Police Department
a. Here are some, hopefully helpful, links:
i. Noise Enforcement Guidelines
ii. Nuisance Related Questions
iii. Non-Emergency Crime Reporting (Try number for Lights And Noise – (888) 524-2845)
6) Tree trimming:  Urban Forestry Division
a. Visit http://bss.lacity.org/UrbanForestry or call them at (800) 996-2489.
Public Relations Group
L.A. County Public Works