Meeting Date: 2/28/24 9:21 pm

Meeting Type: Special

Input Requested on Hollywood Bowl Traffic!

With the upcoming Hollywood Bowl season starting up again in April, your feedback is requested on traffic related issues, solutions, and a community meeting date!

In 2022, the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council (HHWNC) established a Joint Committee to address the ongoing traffic implications as a result of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association’s management of the Hollywood Bowl.
At the Joint Committee meetings, the community got together to identify the issues of concerns and prioritized a list of recommended solutions that were outlined here.
Since then, HHWNC has been working with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association, LA County representatives, LA City representatives, and other neighborhood organizations to address the ongoing traffic concerns through the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association Hollywood Bowl Community Advisory Group.
The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association has limited the participation in the advisory meetings and the community is prohibited from attending.
HHWNC will host a community meeting in the coming months to:
  1. Update the 2022 list of traffic issues caused by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Associations’ management of the Hollywood Bowl; and
  2. Update the list of solutions that the community is requesting to address the traffic issues.

Submit your feedback using the links below:

ISSUES: What issues do you experience in the community related to Hollywood Bowl Traffic? Please click here to review the list of issues and provide your feedback on any missing items.
SOLUTIONS: What solutions would you like to see implemented to solve the issues related to Hollywood Bowl Traffic? Please click here to review the list of solutions collated and provide your feedback on any missing items.
MEETING: A special ‘Hollywood Bowl United Community Group’ meeting will be held over Zoom to review the feedback given in the links above and and develop a formal approach and timeline to address the issues and implement solutions. Please click here to indicate your interest in attending this meeting and select the date and time that works best for you to attend.

If you have pictures, videos, or other feedback regarding neighborhood traffic issues caused by Hollywood Bowl events, please email them to [email protected]

To review and discuss:


Transportation Joint Committees Meeting- Feb 27 6pm – Mulholland Drive speed humps & Hollywood Bowl neighborhood traffic

Meeting Date: 2/27/23 6:00 pm

Meeting Type: Regular


Hollywood Bowl Traffic Mitigation

Survey regarding Milner and Camrose Closure on Peak Bowl Traffic Nights 

Calling neighbors residing in Whitley Heights, Hollywood Heights & Outpost Estates and others- we need your input in this survey regarding the periodic closures at Milner and Camrose during peak Hollywood Bowl traffic nights.
Residents have expressed both support and frustration for the closures. Recent Gibson Transportation traffic study advises these street closures are providing support to nearby residents in protecting from unwanted cut-through traffic and parking on heaviest nights.
This feedback collected will help inform road closure strategies for 2023 season.
SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED- Thank you for your feedback. Results posted.
Current street closure FAQs: 
When & how did these closures get started? Was enacted by Hollywood Bowl neighborhood representatives, CD4, SD3 and the Hollywood Bowl in 2018 . In 2022, HHWNC received feedback from neighbors concerned they were not consulted for these closures by their neighborhood association representatives, so that is why we are taking an updated survey.
What is the current closure schedule? Closures are determined based on peak traffic indicators such as ticketing volumes, rideshare volume, and day of the week. Closures are planned and communicated to residents 4 weeks in advance by email. It is impossible to forecast how many closures the 2023 season may have, but it is possible it may have a similar season to 2022. In the 2022 season, Milner & Camrose was closed 35 times out of 112 total event dates.
What is the current process and impact to Navigation Services? Street closures can only be input to Navigation services (Google, Waze, Apple Maps) where there is an actual closure and enables traffic to be diverted around the area. Only full road closures may trigger notification with Navigation services, so it is not possible to keep the roads open and divert traffic; it’s one or the other.
What else is being done to reduce traffic? Hollywood Bowl, LADOT, LA County Parks & Recreation, SD5, CD4, and consultants are actively working on improving measures to reduce impact from operations: Increasing shuttle and bus usage (2022 current avg is 26% LA Phil-presented nights & of 22% on lease nights) , increasing pre-planning efforts including pre-selling parking and pre-show info marketing, increasing signage and traffic officers.
SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED- Thank you for your feedback. Results posted.
What is your preference for periodic closures at Milner & Camrose during peak Hollywood Bowl Traffic Nights?
When does this survey close?  Survey ends Feb 26th, Any comments thereafter may be shared on the Feb 27th committee meeting or directly with Hollywood Bowl Neighborhood representatives thereafter.
Will there be another survey next year?   There are no immediate plans for another survey for 2024, but we will keep you informed through newsletters if you chose.  It is the goal of Hollywood Bowl to increase communication and feedback from residents.
Privacy Notice & about the Survey Data Collected:  We ask for personal identifying information to ensure this survey is reflecting the highly impacted neighborhoods residents it intends to represent. Personal identifying information collected in this survey will NOT be shared in any public forum for any public use.  This data collected will be used for this survey only and shared with representatives named below for the purpose of 1) ensuring community representation,  2) sharing community sentiments at this time on the Milner & Camrose periodic closures 3) subscribing to Bowl Community Updates (if you chose).   You may be contacted for more information by Stratiscope, HHWNC or your neighborhood Hollywood Bowl representative for the purpose of this survey only.  If you do NOT wish to be contacted further & have your personal information removed from our data base within 30 days of survey, you may indicate accordingly.  If you would like to stay informed on Hollywood Bowl updates via the community representative channels, you may indicate accordingly.
Community Representatives:  Here are the community representatives that will receive the survey results.
Stratiscope/ Hollywood Bowl: 
Stratiscope: John Bwarie
Hollywood Bowl Neighborhood Representatives:  
To get in touch with your representative, please request
Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council: 
Transportation Chair: Kyrstin Munson, Area 3 Chair: Bryan Dyer, Area 5 Chair: Charlie Coker, Area 5 Chair: Jeff Straebler,
Community Outreach Chair:  Chris Wintrode,
About the Feb 27th Transportation Committee Meeting: On Monday, Feb 27th, we’ll share the summaries of neighbor sentiments & collect any outstanding input.  It is not required or needed to attend the Public Committee meeting to have your voice heard, as all survey results will shared directly with Community Representatives to inform future strategies.  We encourage taking this survey is the best way to share your feedback, however we will document all concerns and interest at the committee meeting as well.
Please visit Hollywood Bowl’s community outreach page for ongoing updates, or contact your local community representative for questions.
Direct any questions regarding this survey to Transportation Chair.
Bowl test




Meeting Date: 2/9/22 6:00 pm

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Zoom Link;; Phone Dial in: +253 215 8782 to Join the Meeting – Enter This Webinar ID: 812 1653 3646 and Press #


On Wednesday, February 9, 6:00 PM, the Joint Committees of the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council will hold a meeting to discuss the Hollywood Bowl and its seasons, the traffic issues that are created, with possible solutions.

Please join us.

Agenda 2-9-22, Hollywood Bowl Issues Final