Meeting Date: 01/19/11 06:30 PM
Meeting Type: Regular
Location: Women’s Club of Hollywood

- Call to order by President, Anastasia Mann
- Roll call by Secretary, Khaled Kaawar
- Board Directory Update (See Attached)
- Minutes – Review and approve minutes from October 13, 2010 (see attachment) (Vote) (5 minutes)
- President’s Report by Anastasia Mann (20 minutes)
- Public Official Reports
i.) Mayor’s Office – Fabiola Vilchez, Central Area Director – Budget Survey
ii.) CD4 –Stacy Marble, Field Deputy, Office of Councilmember Tom LaBonge
iii.) CD5 – Jeffrey Ebenstein, Field Deputy, Office of Councilmember Paul Koretz
iv.) CD13 – Angela Motta, Field Deputy, Office of Council President Eric Garcetti
- Update LA Parking Garage Lease
- Review/Update of Committees: Actions, guidance, etc – Discussion with Board Members
- Report on Exec Committee Meeting prior to Full Board Meeting
- Host Candidates Forum (CD4)
5. Vice President’s Report by Orrin Feldman (10 minutes)
6. Treasurer’s Report by Michael Meyer (10 minutes)
a. Monthly Report
b. City Budget FY 11-12
c. Demand Warrants
d. H&H Metro Station Maintenance (See Attached Letter)
i. Motion: I move that the same letter now be sent to Supervisor Don Knabe, Chairman of the MTA Board, saying that we have had no response and we have seen no improvement in the condition of the H&H station.
e. Area 9 – Laurel Canyon/Mulholland Drive Beautification Project
i. HHWNC approved funding for this project in 2008 and the first phase was completed and paid for by HHWNC. The second phase was recently completed and the landscaper does not accept credit cards so this must be paid through a City of LA Demand Warrant. This project is listed as a Community Improvement Project in the HHWNC FY10-11 budget. –
ii. Motion – Approve the Community Benefit statement and request payment for Gabrielle Newmark in the amount of $1,750.21 for landscaping services at Mulholland/Laurel Canyon.
7. Parliamentarian, Aaron Rogers
- President appoints Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee Members to serve with Committee Chair Aaron Rogers.
8. Committee Reports (20 minutes)
§ Area Announcements
§ Motion – The Area 3 committee request from the HHWNC Board of Directors to approve funding for the amount of $1500 – $1700 to be used for community enhancement/ benefit i.e. trash receptacles for (3 mutt mitt stations and 4 trash cans with locks and chains).
ii. Area 4 – Hollywood Heights/Hollywood Blvd. – Joyce Dyrector
§ Discussion about purchasing microphones to be used during BOD meetings
§ Runyon Canyon Park "Fund Run"
a. Three Minute Presentation and Information by Chris Nunes
b. The Runyon Canyon "Fund Run" – upcoming fundraiser event benefitting Runyon Canyon Park
iv. Area 7 – Spaulding Square / Hollywood Sunset Flats (Rebecca Arce)
§ Area Report out
v. Other Area Committees
§ Reports by Committee Chairs in attendance (Optional)
i. Issue 2 – Youth Development, Education & Recreational Resources (Brian Johnson)
§ Funding for performing Arts Classes – Yucca Rec. Center (See Attached)
ii. Issue 5 – Housing & Human Services, Religious & Charitable Organizations, Planning and Support (Marcello Robinson)
§ Update on Mayor’s Budget Process and Budget Survey
§ Housing Announcements:
a. Job Fair – September 2011
b. Bedbug Awareness – Canvas Day
c. SPEAKER/PRESENTATION: Rebecca Lobl, President of LA Coalition for Neighborhood
iii. Issue 8 – Cultural Resources, Entertainment, Public Events and Networking (Barbara Witkin)
§ Motion – Cultural and Events Committee, request HHWNC board to approve funds in the amount of: $750.00. 500.00 for two (2) cheering sections, materials and supplies for the 2011 LA Marathon on March 20, and $250.00 for HHWNC banner. Banner also to be used for future events were our Neighborhood Council i is being represented, in addition to LA Marathon.
- Other Issue Committees
i. Reports by Committee Chairs in attendance (Optional)
- Public Comments – Comments from the public on agenda items and non-agenda items within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction. Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per speaker.
- Old Business
- New Business
- Next Meeting:
- Wednesday, February 16, 2011.
- Adjournment
January 19, 2011
1749 North La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046
- Call to order by President Anastasia Mann at: 6:40 p.m.
- Roll call by Secretary, Khaled Kaawar: Anastasia Mann, Orrin Feldman, Khaled Kaawar, Michael Meyer, Aaron Rogers, Brian Johnson, Terry Migliaccio, Maria Rychlicki , Marcello Robinson, Valorie Keegan, Barbara Witkin, Robin Moreno, Bryce Lowery, Joyce Dyrector, Jarone Johnson Jr., Dietrich Nelson, Alison Connell and Donovan Ryan. Absent: Wayne Johansson, Christopher Kaufman, Rebecca Arce and Jonathan Sweet.
- Board Directory Update: Khaled asked the board to update their information for the HHWNC listings.
- Minutes – (Feldman/Robinson) moved to accept the minutes as revised from October 13, 2010. The motion carried unanimously.
- President’s Report by Anastasia Mann reported that she would be leaving early as she is recovering from an injury. She also announced that longtime Traffic Chair Wayne Johansson’s resignation was received and accepted by the Executive Board. Candidates to fill that seat will be voted on at the March meeting, 60 days out.
Public Official Reports: CD4 –Stacy Marble, Field Deputy, Office of Councilmember Tom LaBonge. Stacy introduced new Field Deputy Sharon Shapiro. Stacy has been appointed as the District Rep. Sharon then reported that she will replace Stacy in her current role with HHWNC. She shared that Doug Mensman from the Councilmember’s office just celebrated the birth of his first child. The Council Office is engaged in StormWatch 2011 and commended Block Captains who have worked with them on this. She asked that everyone keep the Council Office informed of any problems such as downed trees. Operation Pothole was a success with over 1,300 potholes repaired. Nichols Canyon Outpost had quite a bit of damage but Emergency Services worked with them while also handling over 200 downed trees in the City. Councilman LaBonge has initiated an outdoor smoking ban on patios of restaurants and Starbucks will be the first major corporation in the City to enforce this starting in March 2011. The repaving of Hollywood Boulevard will be taking place in the Spring. The 16th Annual L.A. Arts Show is coming up at the Convention Center. A homeless census will be taking place in Hollywood and volunteers are needed to help with this effort from 9 p.m. – 1 a.m.
Update LA Parking Garage Lease: Anastasia spoke about the controversy surrounding the City potentially initiating a 50-year lease on parking garages (many of which are located in Hollywood). She told the Board that the HHWNC Executive Committee has decided to take a position on this as well as on other items that pertain to the HHWNC.
Review/Update of Committees: Actions, guidance, etc – The role of committee was discussed (and brought up again later in the meeting).
Report on Exec Committee Meeting prior to Full Board Meeting. Anastasia told the Board about changes taking place at the Women’s Club. She mentioned that HHWNC does pay rent – $65.00 for use of the room for board meetings and as a result, the Women’s Club would be taking a move active role in setting up the room prior to each board meeting.
Host Candidates Forum (CD4). While the Executive Board has decided not to host a Candidates Forum, candidates for the March election will be allowed to make 5 minute statements at the February board meeting.
5. Vice President’s Report by Orrin Feldman informed the Board about an accident involving a car driving up on the curb by Wells Fargo on Sunset. Previously, the board had discussed this as being a potentially dangerous corner with sidewalk dining close to the street. DONE has announced that all board members must complete their Ethics Training by the end of January. There’s a possibility of sanctions being imposed on board members who do not. Orrin pointed out that the website for HHWNC is missing minutes from Joint Committees. He advised committee chairs that they need to hold four meetings per year to be viable.
6. Treasurer’s Report by Michael Meyer
Monthly Financial Report: Michael reviewed recent expenses and payments. The current amount in the treasury is $51,873. Although $15,000 was approved to be allocated to the Friends of Will and Ariel Durant Library, DONE has still not paid it. (Meyer/Johnson) moved to unanimously accept the Treasurer’s Report.
Demand Warrants – Michael stated that there are problems with this form of payment so he has been using the HHWNC credit card for more immediate payments.
H&H MTA Station Maintenance. Michael informed the Board that a letter was sent to Metro regarding the filthy conditions at the Hollywood and Highland Station but there has been no response and the condition has not improved. He asked the Board to send a follow up letter to the Metro Board. Anastasia said she would sign a letter once he drafts it and then send it to Supervisor Don Knabe, Chairman of the MTA Board.
Area 9 – Laurel Canyon/Mulholland Drive Beautification Project
HHWNC approved funding for this project in 2008 and the first phase was completed and paid for by HHWNC. The second phase was recently completed but since the landscaper does not accept credit cards, it needs to be paid with a City of LA Demand Warrant. Michael explained that the previous Demand Warrant was rejected because they did not have a community benefit statement. He now has that statement and asked the board to approve it so the invoice could be resent. This project is listed as a Community Improvement Project in the HHWNC FY10-11 budget. (Meyer/Kaawar) moved that HHWNC approve the Community Benefit statement and request payment for Gabrielle Newmark in the amount of $1,750.21 for landscaping services at Mulholland/Laurel Canyon.” The motion carried. 13-0-4.
Anastasia asked if the Committee chairs had issues or questions about their meetings. Marcello asked for guidance from the Executive Board on how to conduct meetings. Orrin said that there is a tutorial on the website that explains how to do different functions. She also suggested Committee Chairs post minutes from Joint Committees under both committees on the website. Michael asked Anastasia to restate the limits for Committee spending. Anastasia referred to a procedures manual for information. $200 is allocated for Committee Meetings for expenses (print costs and food). She suggested each Committee find a free location for their meetings. Valorie suggested holding an open meeting for Issues and Area Chair Committees to compare notes on what they are working on.
7. Parliamentarian, Aaron Rogers
Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee Appointments: Anastasia appointed Orrin Feldman, Michael Meyer, Jonathan Sweet and Marcello Robinson to serve on this committee with Aaron as chair. Aaron talked about how DONE now requires that each NC’s bylaws be uniform in areas covering grievance and election procedures and other issues.
- Bryce Lowery was appointed to replace Wayne Johansson as Chair of the NBC-Universal Ad Hoc Evolution Plan.
Anastasia turned the gavel over to Orrin and left the meeting.
8. Committee Reports
updated the Board on information about different things going on in her area.
(Moreno/ Nelson) moved, “The Area 3 committee request from the HHWNC Board of Directors to approve funding for the amount of $500.00 for 3 mutt-mitt dispenseries. Robin stated that there is a problem with dog waste and owners not cleaning up after their pets. She feels it is due to a lack of trash cans. Orrin said the problem is also other trash. With city cutbacks, there has been a moratorium on new trash barrels. Since it is in the Bid Area, Orrin suggested investigating the potential of getting this expense covered as it could be also serviced if it is covered by the Bid. Robin said this Area has been neglected for years and something needs to be done to upgrade the Area. The motion carried: 13-0-2.
Area 4 – Hollywood Heights/Hollywood Blvd. – Joyce Dyrector explained why she feels it is necessary to purchase a sound system for the HHWNC Board Meetings. She asked to be appointed to investigate the purchase of a sound system. Orrin told her that she can research it on her own and bring that information back to the board.
Area 6 – NICHOLS CANYON/WATTLES/RUNYON CANYON – Dietrich Nelson introduced the Runyon Canyon Park "Fund Run," an upcoming fundraiser event to benefit Runyon Canyon Park. Chris Nunes, an attorney in Runyon Canyon, then spoke about how he came up with idea to create funding for improvements for the trails and Park. His goal is for an event to take place on May 22 with 1,000 participants. He discussed ways the funding could be spent. The goal is to establish an annual run that would be challenging and newsworthy. Parking would be off-site for this event.
Area 7 – Spaulding Square / Hollywood Sunset Flats (Rebecca Arce): Tabled.
Other Area Committees, Jerone Johnson Jr. reported an increase in night time crimes in his area.
Issue 2 – Youth Development, Education & Recreational Resources, Brian Johnson.
(Johnson/Nelson) moved that HHWNC fund $816.00 for three performing arts classes at Yucca Rec. Center. Brian said LAUSD has cut funding by 55% forthe arts and music programs in the schools. To help fill that void, the Yucca Recreation Center wants to offer three, free classes to students: Folklorico, Classical Guitar and Latin Guitar. Kathrynn Perry from Yucca Park Community Center spoke about why the funding is essential to getting this program up and running. The motion carried 15-0-0.
Issue 5 – Housing & Human Services, Religious & Charitable Organizations, Planning and Support, Marcello Robinson reported on theMayor’s Budget Process and Budget Survey. He was recently elected as the Central L.A. alternate for the group. He explained the process and said the budget survey will be online on Jan. 27th at:
Housing Announcements: Marcello’s committee has decided to hold a Neighborhood Job Fair the first weekend in September, potentially at the Yucca Rec Center. It would involve about ten degreed and ten non-degreed employers/companies.
Bedbug Awareness Canvas Day – The Volunteer Center of L.A. is organizing a canvas day to inform residents in both the older and newer apartment buildings in L.A. about this problem.
Presentation: Rebecca Lobl, President of LA Coalition for Neighborhood – Rebecca talked about her non profit which was set up about a year ago to regulate community care facilities and boarding houses in the City. Rebecca talked about licensing, regulations and the problems surrounding these facilities which service people in drug and alcohol recovery as well as some half way homes for ex-cons. She asked HHWNC to draft a motion in support of the City’s proposed ordinance which would regulate boarding houses and community care facilities.
Issue 8 – Cultural Resources, Entertainment, Public Events and Networking, Barbara Witkon. (Witkin/Nelson) moved, “Cultural and Events Committee, request HHWNC board to approve funds in the amount of: $750.00: $450.00 for two (2) cheering sections, materials and supplies for the 2011 LA Marathon on March 20, and $300.00 for HHWNC banner. Banner also to be used for future events were our Neighborhood Council is being represented, in addition to LA Marathon.” Valorie said 150,000 people participated last year in this historic run from Dodger Stadium to the Sea. The motion carried unanimously.
Other Issue Committees:
Valorie reported a thank you from L.A. Animal Services for the volunteer program that HHWNC supported. A second training is being organized.
9. Public Comments:
James Sherod spoke about Measure L, on the March 8th ballot, for libraries to continue to have their utility bills funded by the City.
Nicole Hoelle, Theatre West, requested HHWNC provide funding of up to or including $5,000 for their work with underserved schools and their Storybook Theatre. Orrin suggested she bring this request before the Issues Committee.
- Old Business: Leigh French, a stakeholder on N. Vista Street, spoke about a noise and dog feces problem that has grown in scale. Orrin asked Sharon for input on the Park Advisory Board’s solution to this problem.
- Adjournment: 9:06 p.m.
-Minutes by Pat Kramer, Kelly Services-