Meeting Date: 03/20/13 06:30 PM
Meeting Type: Regular
Location: Bonhams & Butterfield, 7601 W. Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90046

iii. Reports by other Committee Chairs in attendance (Optional)
March 20, 2013
Bonhams & Butterfields
7601 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046
1. Meeting called to order by President, Anastasia Mann at 6:40 p.m.
2. Roll call by Secretary Kathy Bañuelos: Quorum established: Anastasia Mann, Kathy Bañuelos, Michael Meyer, Jim Geoghan, Mary Prange Jeffrey Papes, Rick Cullen, Patricia Weber, Robin Moreno, Joyce Dyrector, Paul Darrigo, Barbara Witkin, and Clive Whitcher. Late: Dietrich Nelson, Maria Sussman, and Jerry Garcia. Absent: Orrin Feldman, Robert Mott, Joshua Kopel, Nicole Carcel, Vincent Laresca, Alwyn Hight Kushner
3. Minutes – The board approved the minutes for the February 20, 2013 board meeting.
4. President’s Report by Anastasia Mann
i.) 50th Assembly District, Josh Kirby from the Office of Assemblyman Richard Bloom’s office gave an update on actions and issues.
ii.) CD4 –Sharon Shapiro, Field Deputy, Office of Councilmember Tom LaBonge stated that the Lake Hollywood reservoir will open in April.
iii.) Anastasia announced a new reality show will be filming a pilot and are looking for unsightly homes to include in this series.
iv.) April 17th is the date for the next board meeting.
Board Vacancy for Area 5 Committee Chair. Candidate Jeff Zarrinnam, a resident of Area 5, announced his interest in serving on the HHWNC board. Jeff serves on the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce as well in other service positions. Carmen Azinian, resident of Outpost, gave a brief presentation as well. She informed the Board that she has served on that area’s Neighborhood Watch and other service committees. A vote to fill the board seat will take place at the April board meeting.
Proposed Budget cuts for Neighborhood Council Budgets and Elections: (Anastasia/Witkin) moved, “Whereas the City is asking the neighborhood councils to postpone their elections due to budget cuts; and, Whereas the city is asking each neighborhood council to pay for their next elections, approximately
$7300.00 per council; and Whereas the city continues to violate Charter section 911 by cutting neighborhood council funds, sweeping annual excess funds, and failing to fund neighborhood councils in a secure account one year in advance,
Therefore, the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council moves: That the City issues NO DELAYS in the 2014 neighborhood council elections; That the City fully fund the neighborhood council 2014 elections; That the City restores the $50,000 Neighborhood Councils annual budgets; That the City cease and desist from any further sweeping of neighborhood council funds, in violation of charter section 911;That the Hollywood Hills Neighborhood Council, file an immediate letter of complaint against the City for its violations of Charter Section 911.” The motion carried 12-0-2.
a. Area 5 (Michael Meyer) addressed the issue of the new Verizon Cell Tower, installed in February 2012 on Mulholland: (Meyer/Prange) moved, “HHWNC demands that the City of Los Angeles revoke the permit (No. 2011001664) from Verizon Wireless for the installation of a cell phone tower on Mulholland Drive near the Jerry Daniel Scenic Overlook (formerly known as the Hollywood Bowl Overlook) as it destroys the iconic view of the Hollywood Sign. If permitted at all, it must be relocated to the hillside of Mulholland Drive and not the view side of the street.” The motion carried unanimously.
Anastasia gave a brief history of the board’s relationship with Verizon and noted that the Mulholland Design Review Committee had voted against Verizon’s cell tower request for this pole. Councilmember LaBonge has requested that Verizon relocate the pole. HHWNC boardmembers Anastasia, Michael and Barbara will attend a meeting with Councilmember LaBonge, reps for Verizon and other City entities to resolve this matter.
b. Refurbishment contribution for Dorothy J and Benjamin B Smith Park on Franklin Avenue. (Meyer/Papes) moved, “The HHWNC Board reaffirms its February 20, 2013 commitment to provide $15,000 for the purchase of outdoor exercise equipment to be installed at the City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department’s Dorothy J and Benjamin B Smith Park, to be combined with the $5,000 committed by the Outpost Homeowners Association. These funds may be used to purchase the equipment directly from one of the City of Los Angeles’ approved vendors or may be transferred to an escrow account at the LA Parks Foundation for their purchase of the equipment.”
Michael stated that the Outpost HOA Board approved a contribution of $5,000 for the exercise equipment. HHWNC’s contribution toward the purchase of the outdoor exercise equipment will allow the installation of a full range of exercise machines and will be the first step in turning this park into a community asset. Thomas Gibson, a representative from City Recreation and Parks (RAP) Department, presented diagrams illustrating how the park will potentially be improved with landscaping and fencing.
6. Vice President’s Report by Orrin Feldman: (Orrin was absent) Jeff Papes gave the PLUM Committee Report stating that the Houston Brothers are renovating the historical landmark, Jane’s House, at 6541 Hollywood Blvd. (Papes/Witkin) moved that, “HHWNC approve the PLUM committee’s recommendation to support 1727 Houston Hospitality's application. While the committee remains concerned about (i) potential noise emanating from the rear portion of Jane's House, and (ii) access for emergency vehicles, the committee believes those issues can be worked out by the applicants with the Planning Department. The Planning Department's case no. is ZA 2012-2991-CUB.” The motion carried: 10-2-2. Jeff said the hearing on the CUP application should be scheduled in April. Proposed hours of operation for Jane’s House will be from 11 am – 2 am daily with a full line of alcoholic beverages served.
7. Treasurer’s Report, Michael Meyer distributed a spreadsheet of expenses. He noted there was $13,300 left in the budget after the previous allocation for fitness equipment. May 15th is the last date to submit NC demand warrants for invoices. (Meyer/ Bañuelos) moved to approve the Monthly Expenditure Report. The motion carried unanimously. Michael talked about new treasury regulations and paperwork for DONE. (Witkin/Garcia) moved to accept the reviewed and validated purchase card monthly statement of $551.06. The motion carried.
8. Secretary’s Report by Kathy Bañuelos No report.
9. Parliamentarian’s Report by Robert Mott No report.
10. Area/Issues Committee Reports:
· Outpost/Area 5 – Parking on Mulholland Drive:
(Meyer/Sussman) moved that, “HHWNC requests that the Los Angeles Department of Transportation assign additional parking enforcement resources to the Mulholland Corridor to better control the illegal and unsafe parking that happens near Runyon Canyon Park and near the Hollywood Bowl Overlook. Many people do not park on the shoulder side of the white lines of the roadway and park partially in the travel lanes on Mulholland making it passable by only one car at a time. The parking at the Mulholland Overlook also results in people, including children, running across Mulholland right at a blind curve in the road. Illegal parking activity creates a safety hazard and could impede emergency access to the hillside areas of HHWNC. The additional revenue associated with the hundreds of tickets that could be issued, particularly on sunny weekend days, should more than compensate for the cost of the parking enforcement efforts.”
(Meyer) amended his motion to say, “HHWNC request that the Department of Transportation and LAPD assign additional parking and traffic enforcement resources and to urge the Dept. of Transportation and LAPD to expedite and improve the striping and signage to make tickets more enforceable and hold up in court.” The motion carried unanimously. Susan Mullins from Upper Nichols Cyn Neighborhood Association spoke about the need for enforcement.
· Area 9 (Maria Sussman) – Areas 8 and 9 Boundaries:
(Whitcher/Darrigo) to hold a Special Meeting to vote on a change to the boundaries to Areas 8 and 9. Marie explained that Area 9 requests that HHWNC moved the boundary line so that the entire Willow Glen area is included in one Area. Joann Leonard, a stakeholder, spoke about the issue. Anastasia recommended a Special Meeting to vote on a Bylaw amendment for this item. The motion carried unanimously. The Special Meeting will be scheduled for May 15 at 6 p.m. – prior to the full board meeting.
(Witkin/Moreno) requested a change in the bylaws regarding the composition of the PLUM committee so that that the chairs of Area committees can vote on proposed projects in their respective areas. During the discussion, the Board concluded that Bylaw Article 7 states that PLUM composition is addressed by the Standing Rules. No motion was necessary to change the bylaws was necessary. The Board decided to take up a change in the standing rules at the next meeting.
· Outreach Report: Barbara thanked Jeff and Nicole for helping with the L.A. Marathon. Anastasia requested that board members report any unsafe street conditions to DOT for the granting of funds for street repairs.
· Infrastructure Report: Mary Prange stated that the Durant Library is a great place for meetings.
· Public Comment: Stakeholder Saundra Rideaux-Jackson spoke about safety issues with Fuller Project, a new development. Irene Shin, a representative for candidate John Choi, introduced herself. Anastasia Mann conveyed that John Choi has not yet come to speak to the Board despite several invitations.
· New Business: Joyce Dyrector brought up a proposal to extend drinking hours at locations that serve alcohol and asked if HHWNC could take a position on the bill. The matter will be placed on the agenda for the next Board’s meeting.
11. Adjournment: 8:43 p.m.