The Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council has an important update on an initiative to improve the safety of the Hollywood Hills streets that has been in the works for the past nice years!
In April, 2020, the Los Angeles City Council (Council) passed Ordinance 187078 which established Los Angeles Municipal Code 80.36.11 that regulates tour bus operations in the City of Los Angeles.
The ordinance and code prohibits tour busses from operating on certain roads that the Department of Transportation (LADOT) has deemed unsafe to operate a commercial tour bus.
Based on feedback from the community, Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council (HHWNC) requested LADOT to evaluate 86 street segments in the hills to determine if they posed safety concerns with tour busses operating on them. LADOT evaluated each street segment for safety which includes 1) roadway characteristics (e.g., things like road widths, dead end turns, turns in driveways, and local street saturation), and 2) tour bus operations (e.g., things like blocking roadways, illegal parking, blocking visibility, pedestrian safety). They also evaluated tour bus volumes on each street segment.
Of the 86 street segments evaluated, LADOT deemed the following 11 segments to be unsafe for tour busses to stop or park and is recommending the Council pass a resolution to prohibit tour busses from parking or stopping on any portion of these street segments:
- Outpost Drive between Franklin Avenue and Mulholland Drive
- Outpost Cove Drive between Outpost Drive and the dead-end west of Carmen Crest Drive
- Mulholland Drive between Cahuenga Boulevard West and Woodrow Wilson Drive (east of Multiview Drive)
- Mulholland Drive between Floye Drive and Dona Pegita Drive
- Torreyson Drive between Mulholland Drive and Torreyson Place
- Torreyson Place between Torreyson Drive and the dead-end south of Torreyson Drive
- Senalda Road between Outpost Drive and Castilian Drive
- Mapleton Drive between Sunset Boulevard and Club View Drive
- Charing Cross Road between Sunset Boulevard and Beverly Glen Boulevard
- Wyton Drive between Mapleton Avenue and Beverly Glen Boulevard
- Orange Grove Avenue between Sunset Boulevard and Hollywood Boulevard
Additionally, LADOT deemed the following 9 segments to be unsafe for tour busses to operate on at all and is recommending the Council pass a resolution to prohibit tour busses from driving/operating on any portion of these street segments:
- Outpost Drive between Franklin Avenue and Mulholland Drive
- Outpost Cove Drive between Outpost Drive and the dead-end west of Carmen Crest Drive
- Torreyson Drive between Mulholland Drive and Torreyson Place
- Torreyson Place between Torreyson Drive and the dead-end south of Torreyson Drive
- Senalda Road between Outpost Drive and Castilian Drive
- Mapleton Drive between Sunset Boulevard and Club View Drive
- Charing Cross Road between Sunset Boulevard and Beverly Glen Boulevard
- Wyton Drive between Mapleton Avenue and Beverly Glen Boulevard
- Orange Grove Avenue between Sunset Boulevard and Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles City Council Meeting Details and Opportunity for Public Comment
On Friday, October 20, 2023, the Los Angeles City Council will vote on this resolution. The meeting starts at 10am at City Hall and this topic is #15 on the agenda. Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council thanks LADOT, especially Brian Gallagher, Principal Transportation Engineer – District Operations Bureau, for all of their work on this topic and encourages the community to attend the meeting or call in to support and request the Council approve the resolution.
The Council meetings will be broadcast live on Cable Television Channel 35, on the internet at https://clerk.lacity.gov/calendar, and on YouTube. The live audio of the hearing will be available via telephone at: (213) 621-CITY (Metro), (818) 904-9450 (Valley), (310) 471-CITY (Westside), and (310) 547-CITY (San Pedro Area).
The City Council will take public comment from members of the public in the Council chamber and also by teleconference. Members of the public who wish to offer public comment to the Council via teleconference should call 1 669 254 5252 and use Meeting ID No. 160 535 8466 and then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant ID. Once admitted into the meeting, press *9 to request to speak. Written public comment may be submitted at LACouncilComment.com.
Implementation Plan:

If the Council passes the resolution, LADOT provides a 90 day notice to all Tour Bus companies operating in the City so they can adjust their routes/schedules accordingly. LADOT will also post a map on their website to clearly show the tour bus restricted street segments.
After the 90 day notification period (on January 21, 2024), LADOT will post the signage pictured above on the applicable restricted street segments mentioned above.
Enforcement Plan:
Violations of the Tour Bus ordnance carry both civil and criminal penalties which are progressive.
For civil violations:
- Enforced by LADOT Parking Enforcement
- Parking Enforcement does not need to stop the Tour Bus, they can take a picture or video as evidence
- Citations are issued to the Tour Bus company (not the Tour Bus Driver).
- First violation = $300
- Second violation in 12 month period = $600
- Third violation in 12 month period = $900
For criminal violations:
- Enforced by Los Angeles Police Department
- First violation = $100
- Second violation in 12 month period = $200
- Third violation in 12 month period = $250