Presented by LA Rec & Parks staff, Stefanie Smith
HHWNC Board Meeting, May 20th, 2020

The Los Angeles Recreation & Parks Department has developed a plan for a well-coordinated, well-communicated COVID-19 plan to safely re-open Runyon Canyon Park. Below are bulleted message points presented by LA Rec & Parks representative, Stefanie Smith, at the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council board meeting on May 20th:
- Physical distancing and face coverings will be required at all times. Attached is a sample of the KEEP TRAILS OPEN / SOCIAL DISTANCING banners, which will be placed throughout Runyon Cyn Park, and made courtesy of the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council.
- The main fire road that connects the north and south sections of the park, from the Fuller and Vista entrances on the south, and the Mulholland entrance on the north, will be marked with arrows going in both directions, using white, temporary field paint, along with directional signage.
- LA Rec & Parks will temporarily close certain sections of the park during the COVID-19 pandemic that do not allow adequate space for safe physical distancing. These include the following:
- The Desmond Estates Overlook Trail, from the Mulholland entrance
- The East Trail, from both the Fuller Gate to the south and main fire road to the north
- The West Trail will temporarily be “one-way” going north, from the start of the “off-leash” area north of the Vista gate, up to the Solar gate, and beyond back to the main fire road, south of the Mulholland gate.
- The presence of Park Rangers and Park Monitors will be used to help maintain social distancing, face masks and other park rules.
- The installation of trail counters (utilizing cameras) to count the number of visitors entering the park. These are new to the park system. The plan is for these to be used to establish a threshold for the park to enable the department to determine if and when park is at capacity.
- Brush Clearance has been completed for Runyon Canyon, but adherence to fire safety rules will be heavily enforced during this time.
Please check this page for further Runyan Canyon Park updates as they become available. Thank you for adhering to these guidelines in order to keep you and your neighbors safe.